Where Can I Serve?
At the heart of every thriving church, you will find a dedicated team of volunteers who come alongside the staff and give sacrificially so that life can happen. When I picture volunteer support in the local church, I see an iceberg. The visible portion of an iceberg is also the smallest portion, while the base of its power can be found below the water. Similarly, many of the vital support roles in the church are less visible, or at least less glamorous, but each is critically important. They are the jobs where nobody notices when you do them, but everyone notices when they are not getting done. These ministries are the heartbeat of New Vision. They may not all be in the “glamorous” but they are all a blessing to others!
New Vision Welcome Team & Ushers
One of our main goals at New Vision Ministries is to show the love of Jesus! That begins at our front doors as we greet our members and visitors. We are always looking for someone who has an outgoing personality and a warm heart to help with this important ministry!
New Vision Agape Ministry
This is an outreach ministry where people who serve have a lot of heart for the hurting, forgotten, and needy. These are the hands and feet of Jesus in our community. From serving food at our local homeless shelter, packing backpacks for underprivileged youth, helping at Christian Ministries or Amy’s House to going into local nursing homes and loving on the elderly the Agape ministry does a little bit of everything!
Nursery Volunteers
Nursery volunteers are extra special people! They are willing to love on our little ones while parents take a break and get revived for the week! Volunteers typically serve once a month and are given a calendar ahead of time. Every Sunday there will be two adults and a junior volunteer. If you would like more information please contact our Nursery Director, l. ***All volunteers 18 and older must complete a background check before serving.
Children’s Ministry
We have an exciting children’s ministry that ranges in age. We have a class just for our 3 and 4 year olds and a class for grades K-5th. Our children are our future. What better way to sow into the kingdom but by teaching this impresionable children about the love of Jesus!
Media & Technology
Using media to spread the gospel is a privilege of this church. In an age of widespread technology, We have a stewardship to use these tools as best as possible for kingdom purposes. All of our weekly sermons are uploaded to our website in video and audio formats. We also maintain an active Facebook feed for additional church communication.
Service Times: Sunday Morning 10:30 Wednesday Bible Study 7PM
Office Hours: Mon – Thurs 9AM-2PM Phone: 704-736-0902 Address: 661 Clarks Creek Road, Lincolnton NC 28092